Hear Me Code

Free, beginner-friendly coding classes for over 3000 women in DC

Why I started Hear Me Code

In theory, I love going to tech events. But I got tired of being one of the only women in in the room. Not only did I feel like I didn't belong, but I often felt that others were talking down to me and not taking me seriously.

When I talked to the other women at these events, I realized that it wasn't just me. We all had this shared experience - feeling isolated, intimidated, unwelcome. It's no wonder that most women didn't come back for a second event.

Many women came to these events to learn more and to get experience to break into the field, but were being pushed out and turned away.

Bottom line, the tech industry isn't using its full talent base -- and there are so many people not yet at the table, with their voices unheard and their ideas unimplemented.

Hear Me Code is my attempt to address the gender disparity in tech, and in so doing, empower others to create the change they wish to see.

Shannon Turner
Twitter: @svthmc
Github: @shannonturner


To broaden the tech sector’s talent pool by lowering barriers to entry and creating a safe, supportive environment for women to learn, grow, and innovate.

Lowering barriers

Hear Me Code is completely free and open source - including lessons, code samples, exercises, and practice groups.

Supportive Environment

Once they've taken a lesson, Hear Me Coders continue to support the community as mentors and teaching assistants. Peer tutoring and mentoring strengthens the community and develops new leaders.

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Hear Me Code was founded in September 2013 by Shannon Turner and offered free coding classes for women in the DC area from 2013-2019.